Publishing the highest quality writing in Australia.

Morry Schwartz is the founder of Schwartz. He started in 1974 as a counterculture publisher with a simple vision: to produce books that were radical and necessary. Over more than 40 years, Schwartz has built a reputation for publishing the highest quality writing and journalism in the country.

News that lasts.

Intelligent news and current affairs that breaks the 24 hour news cycle to offer a nuanced examination of Australia and the world. Our audience reads to know, not just to agree. We invest in long-form journalism where the issues demand it, providing writing of a quality that makes difficult topics clear.

Schwartz Media publishes Australia’s most respected writers across The Saturday Paper, The Monthly magazine and the daily podcast 7am, alongside our sister publications, Quarterly Essay and Australian Foreign Affairs.

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Big on words.

Schwartz Books is a major independent Australian book publisher of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. It also publishes the issue-defining journals Quarterly Essay and Australian Foreign Affairs. As well as publishing major established voices, we welcome new talent and nurture new writers.

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